Monday, 5 January 2015

Project Driggs River 7’2” 5#

“it will fish the average trout stream with effortless comfort and handle small dries and nymphs equally well."

PHY Driggs River model splitcane flyrod is one of the most copied, desired and sought after by modern rod builders.  I started this project when a friend of mine inquired if I could make him one.
Of course I could, I had made couple of Young models before, had the taper and rod specifications in hand. However I started to study the model and found out that there were several taper designs presented in different taper archives. I started to wonder why.

After having some correspondence with my rod builder friends, the reason for different tapers and mixtures between them cleared out.  Originally Driggs River was made with lighter and faster tip section, which was later called “dryfly – tip” . Later on The rod was made also with the “Wet –Parabolic” tip section.  The “Wet-Parabolic” design is the one, this rod is nowadays most famous of, although at first the deliveries were made with dryfly design and later on with two different tip sections.

I got very curious, studied a bit more and luckily a friend of mine provided taper measurement of an original P.H.Y Driggs River, 7'2", year 1955 standard delivery with 2 tip, Wet Parabolic and Dryfly.

So I suggested that I could make a two tip Driggs with both dryfly and wet parabolic tip sections. 

First impressions, after first casts were “Wow…and with the other tip... wooow again! ”  Slightly tighter loops, and more delicate presentation with drytip. Holds remarkably long line in the air with both tips and “kicks” the fly to the other end of my 30 meter long backyard easily. 

Now only have to wait the winter pass and spring come and wait to hear how the rod performs with Fish with the new owner.

Here some Pictures of making:

Dark Flamed as most of the PHY rods tend to be

Splitting the selected pole of fine selected quality

Sections planed to the exact measures

Glued with the best Wood Glue available and bound to tight package to dry

Plannig and initial fitting of reel seat.  Curly Birch waxed with Cognac colour and oil treated (not yet finishd and polished)

All bits and pieces ready, Cigar shaped cork handle to match the style. Agate stripper and nickel silver ferrule, of course. Windings with orange filament silk and copper decorations.

Ready for Santa to take along to find if a Flyfisher has been nice, kind and good this year?

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