Photos, flies and text Pasi Sormunen
Even though having silkworms in terrarium at home might be
educational and a lot of fun, can silkworm gut easily be imitated also with
modern materials.
Like this: Take 3
thread of clear fishing line, 20 centimetres long, strength something like 0,09
to 0,16 mm. and bind them together with a knot in the end of lines. Hang the
loose ends with e.g. hackle pliers and hang the knotted end around your tying vices
Sand line surfaces to white with 150 to 200 sandpaper and
braid the lines together. From 20 cm braid you get 2 gut loops to your flies.
This “March Brown” has a 7 cm gut tippet with a loop at its
end. Loop is tied with light brown tying thread and secured with a drop of
varnish. The gut tippet is tied under the flies body and secured with varnish.
Eyeless flyhooks are quite commonly available, if not from
your local store, at least from internet shops.
Wintage style hook can easily be made at home with
DIY-method. The hook in the picture is Daiichi 1190, fly hook with round wire.
Cut the wire just next to the loop, and using a hammer and anvil make a
flattening to the cut end of the hook. Forge also slightly both sides of the
hook to get a “made by blacksmith” appearance.
The original and “wintage”. Light touch of Brass Black will do
the final trick. Hammering should be done gently and carefully so you do not
weaken the hook too much. After all you are going to fish with these flies,
aren’t you?
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